From the LA Times:

We’re trying to build something where we can be really good again for a long time. I know that takes time. It takes failing. It takes coming together as a group. It is challenging going through it. You want to win now. You want instant gratification. But, that’s not the way it works in this league.

For them, it’s about being present and trying to get better right now. For us as a staff, it’s continuing to challenge them to do those things day in and day out that’ll get us through. … It’s about us setting that foundation. For them, it’s about coming into work every day and giving it their all and being pissed off when they lose and not understanding why and wanting to win. With a combination of that, we will eventually win consistently.”

It can make their will to do whatever it takes to win much stronger depending on how they feel about losing, how they feel about failing. That’s when you normally learn the most about yourself and about your team, and how you respond to it.

The great ones that have played in this league have failed, have lost and have come back and worked that much harder to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Although your confidence can get shook a little bit from losing, the character and core of who you are as a player can be much stronger.

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